Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Si Se Puede
Today is Cesar Chavez Day! "Pres. Obama today commemorated Cesar Chavez's birthday with a statement acknowledging the activist who originated a favorite Obama campaign slogan"
Monday, March 30, 2009
Obama's Red State
Really Obama? It's not about red states or blue states? Only about the "United" States? Since you have intervened in AIG contracts (and Congress is taxing the bonuses), used US dollars to buy toxic loans (to create faux lower mortgage rates), and now you have taken over the operations of GM and Chrysler - you must mean one United Red State of America?
Side Note: Let me be clear: although the United States government has no interest or intention of running GM, that is precisely what has occurred.
I challenge you to a quiz:
1. Which shapes do you like more?
A. Stars and Stripes
B. Hammer and Sickle
2. The Boston Tea Party was:
A. A stand against tyranny
B. Republicans just saying "no" again
C. Not handled well by King George - he should have had a press conference to explain how the tea tax was only the beginning and that taxes were going to be "unexpectedly" raised even higher
3. Capitalism is:
A. The free market at work to acheive The American Dream
B. Just another word/excuse for veiled communism? Same diff.
4. Which animal do you identify with more?
A. Elephant
B. Bald Eagle
C. Donkey
D. Bear
E. Turkey
Perhaps, life is just dealing us lemons...lemon populism, that is.
Side Note: Let me be clear: although the United States government has no interest or intention of running GM, that is precisely what has occurred.
I challenge you to a quiz:
1. Which shapes do you like more?
A. Stars and Stripes
B. Hammer and Sickle
2. The Boston Tea Party was:
A. A stand against tyranny
B. Republicans just saying "no" again
C. Not handled well by King George - he should have had a press conference to explain how the tea tax was only the beginning and that taxes were going to be "unexpectedly" raised even higher
3. Capitalism is:
A. The free market at work to acheive The American Dream
B. Just another word/excuse for veiled communism? Same diff.
4. Which animal do you identify with more?
A. Elephant
B. Bald Eagle
C. Donkey
D. Bear
E. Turkey
Perhaps, life is just dealing us lemons...lemon populism, that is.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Are Netbooks a Net Gain?
The Netbook Effect: How Cheap Little Laptops Hit the Big Time
Netbooks May Offer Hackers Private Data Gateway
Turn a Netbook Into a Net Jukebox
Or are netbooks just following the 1980's Recession protocol along with India's new Tata Nano, small and cheap :
Is it worth spending little to no money for little to no product?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March Madness vs. March to Insanity
I love March Madness basketball - but what about the March to insanity in the financial system/Congress/White House? Let's set aside hoops and talk loops:
On American.com, they highlight Arnold King's article, "The Toxic NCAA Bracket" where he "supposes what would happen if he was doing poorly in a March Madness pool that he entered for $10 and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner came along with a fistful of taxpayer dollars."
“The way his plan works, you can put up a nickel to get a share of my bracket, and Tim will lend you forty-five cents, which you do not have to pay back if you lose. If you win, you and Tim split the proceeds. You’re happy, because for a nickel you're picking up half a share of a bracket worth fifteen cents. I’m happy, because I sell my toxic bracket for fifty cents instead of fifteen cents. Somebody should be unhappy. Guess who?”
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Paleontologists Discover Skeleton Of Nature’s First Sexual Predator
Coincidence or Correlation?
Poor, ill-fated Retardosaur:
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
American Violet and Violations
Last night Jesse, myself and 60 other Baylor Law students took a motor coach (paid for by the movie company) to Hearne, TX to see the premiere of American Violet. The movie is based on a true story taking place in Hearne (Melody, TX in the movie) and one of Jesse's law professors took part in the actual story (not the movie). The movie takes hard aim at the still current D.A. (John Paschall) for allegedly terrorizing the community through racist motivations. Below are some interesting links to news stories about Paschall and the movie (apparently, movie posters were "asked" to be removed from local businesses by the D.A.):
Fictitious film, real tensions: Hearne drug case documented in indy movie
'American Violet' tells story of ill-fated Hearne drug raids
ACLU Charges Racial Discrimination in Second Texas Drug Bust Scandal
Fictitious film, real tensions: Hearne drug case documented in indy movie
'American Violet' tells story of ill-fated Hearne drug raids
ACLU Charges Racial Discrimination in Second Texas Drug Bust Scandal
Friday, March 13, 2009
Trashing the Auto X-Prize
The rules:
"The cars have to be production-capable, meaning they meet all federal safety guidelines, it must be possible to build 10,000 of them annually within reasonable costs, they have to be desirable (granted, that's a highly subjective criteria) and the teams must have a viable business plan for producing and selling 10,000 vehicles annually by 2014.
The vehicles must deliver at least 100 MPGe...Electric vehicles must have a range of 200 miles for the "mainstream" class - defined as a car resembling your typical five-passenger-compact - and 100 for the anything-goes "experimental" class.
As for emissions, total well-to-wheels CO2 production can't exceed 200 grams per kilometer. For the sake of comparison, the Toyota Prius produces 114 g/km at the tailpipe."
Links to more info on the competition:
This article highlights 25 of the entries.
Wired's cover story on the X-Prize
Mad Max Meets Cannonball Run in Alt-Fuel Race to Vegas
Veggie-Oil Lotus Wins Alt-Fuel Race to Vegas (pictured below)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
How Progressive Are You, America?
An interesting interactive quiz! I am Conservative...how 'bout you?
A frightening political map...of course this is coming from a Progressive group. I don't think that America has suddenly become more Progressive with the election of Obama - I think the election was a direct result of frustration at the previous administration and less about issues.
A frightening political map...of course this is coming from a Progressive group. I don't think that America has suddenly become more Progressive with the election of Obama - I think the election was a direct result of frustration at the previous administration and less about issues.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Chuck for Prez, KBH for Gov
We all are familiar with Chuck Norris Facts - why not add President of Texas? In my state where Kinky Friedman can get within reach of the Governor's office to appoint a "cabinet" - anything goes. Bring it, Chuck.
Also, in the realm of Texas politics (yes, it could be in it's own realm) is the Voter I.D. bill - which (as expected) passed the Senate today. But will it pass the House?
PS: In case you missed KBH on SNL this past week...watch "The Rock Obama"
Camping Extravaganza!
Today is my first day back to work from a fun-filled camping weekend at Possum Kingdom Lake with Jesse and the puppies - thank goodness it is Spring Break and the office is quiet! Although the weather is gross today, it was beautiful this weekend! We ended up camping right next to the lake:

And right next to (artistic interpretation of neighbors, not actual):

which, all in all, led to a memorable trip!
So, instead of hanging out at the campsite, we spent most of our time hiking - a mini hike at the state park and then on to Worth Ranch where we hiked a minimum of 10 miles with the dogs. It was such an amazing place - with mountains and the Brazos River Bottoms - beautiful Texas countryside!
However, I don't think this is the best picture to market the Boy Scouts (especially since membership has dropped sharply from the peak in the 80's):
And right next to (artistic interpretation of neighbors, not actual):
which, all in all, led to a memorable trip!
So, instead of hanging out at the campsite, we spent most of our time hiking - a mini hike at the state park and then on to Worth Ranch where we hiked a minimum of 10 miles with the dogs. It was such an amazing place - with mountains and the Brazos River Bottoms - beautiful Texas countryside!
However, I don't think this is the best picture to market the Boy Scouts (especially since membership has dropped sharply from the peak in the 80's):
Friday, March 6, 2009
Physical Gift for You
"Let's get physical, I want to get ethical"!
For the nerd inside all of us, here is a link to Top 10 Amazing Physics Videos - woot it's Friday!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I Blame You, Starbucks!
So, I am taking a temporary hiatus from caffeine - that means no morning coffee, no afternoon tea, no Dr. Pepper - and Day 1 (today) has been rough! It is so bad that I decided to Google "caffeine addiction"...which yielded the hilariously inappropriate picture above from http://www.mycaffeineaddiction.com/. Also, I have written an ode to caffeine in an effort to keep my mind moving:
Oh Caffeine!
Your sweet containers sustain me -
Coffee, chocolate, soda, and tea.
No more shall I seek your bliss -
In the morn, no coffee kiss. (eww....yeah, weird....I was looking for a rhyme.)
Already, your taste and energy I miss.
The addiction is clear, but I want you near (haha - weird again!)
Oh Caffeine!
New Albums
As promised, I have some additional albums that I have been enjoying (and therefore wanted to share them with you!):
1. The Crane Wife - The Decemberists
2. The Airborne Toxic Event - The Airborne Toxic Event
3. Incredibad - The Lonely Island
1. The Crane Wife - The Decemberists
2. The Airborne Toxic Event - The Airborne Toxic Event
3. Incredibad - The Lonely Island
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Rush Order of Chaos
Continuing from my post yesterday about the Democrats' plan to attack Republicans through Rush Limbaugh, I read in Hotline On Call that "The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched a new Web site -- ImSorryRush.com -- spoofing Republicans who criticize conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh and 'then turn around and quickly beg his forgiveness.' The site allows users to customize their own Limbaugh apology letters."
Oh good grief.
Oh good grief.
El Chupacabras
OMG. Drudge Report has found the Chupacabra.

Favorite quote from the article: "The ugly train has left the station and it's gathering steam," laughs Bassett. "Hopefully it will slow down soon."
The Chupacabra, also called el Chupacabras (pronunciation: /tʃupa'kabɾas/, from the Spanish words chupar, meaning "to suck", and cabra, meaning "goat"; literally "goat sucker") is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas. It is associated more recently with sightings of an allegedly unknown animal in Puerto Rico (where these sightings were first reported), Mexico, and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities.[1] The name comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. (Wiki page on the Chupacabra)

Favorite quote from the article: "The ugly train has left the station and it's gathering steam," laughs Bassett. "Hopefully it will slow down soon."
The Chupacabra, also called el Chupacabras (pronunciation: /tʃupa'kabɾas/, from the Spanish words chupar, meaning "to suck", and cabra, meaning "goat"; literally "goat sucker") is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas. It is associated more recently with sightings of an allegedly unknown animal in Puerto Rico (where these sightings were first reported), Mexico, and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities.[1] The name comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. (Wiki page on the Chupacabra)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Rush of Support?
If "Democrats are engaging in a concerted campaign to link the national Republican Party to conservative talk-radio show host Rush Limbaugh," how will this affect the party? "The conventional strategy in such cases is for the administration in power to avoid talking about a mere radio critic. That would elevate him to the level of the president. Which, it turns out, is exactly what the Obama team wants."
Already the fissures can be felt between the fiscal conservatives and the Rush Republicans, but some argue that the Republican party would lose all power/support without the Rush Followers - thus explaining why anyone who denounces Rush is quick to schedule a public apology on his show (see Gingrey). Michael Steele might be the next Rush victim.
So are Republicans right to fear the wrath of Rush? Or should Republicans fear this new Democrat initiative (especially if Rush is connected with the Dark Side to which these politicians have pledged their loyalty)? Is Rush strong enough to survive this kind of attack? Probably so - his followers already equate Dems with the Devil...any news from CPAC?
Should Rush ever lose his job, this video might help...
Emperor Gets a Job - Star Wars - The most popular videos are a click away
Already the fissures can be felt between the fiscal conservatives and the Rush Republicans, but some argue that the Republican party would lose all power/support without the Rush Followers - thus explaining why anyone who denounces Rush is quick to schedule a public apology on his show (see Gingrey). Michael Steele might be the next Rush victim.
So are Republicans right to fear the wrath of Rush? Or should Republicans fear this new Democrat initiative (especially if Rush is connected with the Dark Side to which these politicians have pledged their loyalty)? Is Rush strong enough to survive this kind of attack? Probably so - his followers already equate Dems with the Devil...any news from CPAC?
Should Rush ever lose his job, this video might help...
Emperor Gets a Job - Star Wars - The most popular videos are a click away
Road to the Tourney
Monday, March 2, 2009
Adventure in Camping
Economy Snarf?
As a new contributor to the stock market/retirement fund, I feel like I'm getting a great deal...but at what greater cost? Mayhaps we should only look as far as Iceland to see our future:
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