This system of 50 symbol signs was designed for use at the crossroads of modern life: in airports and other transportation hubs and at large international events. Produced through a collaboration between the AIGA and the U.S. Department of Transportation, they are an example of how public-minded designers can address a universal communication need."
Apparently, the
WSJ.com decided that we needed the North Korea dilemma explained in
universal bathroom language...
In reference to the link above, I would like to tell another story:
Titled: Rockets, Restrooms, and Radio Active Material
1993: Mens Restrooms denied access to a Rocket. (silently).
1994: Talks
forced Mens Restrooms hands.
1995, 1996, & 1997: The years were short, nothing happened.
1998: Except for in this short time, Mens Restrooms grew tired of the rocket's antics (explosions) and silently challenged the Rocket to a duel.
1999: The Rocket won.
2000: Four hands formed an alliance against Mens Restrooms and Rockets.
2001: A short year moved backwards in time.
2002: Two of the hands betrayed the other hands by secretly forming an alliance with Radio Active Material.
2003: Mens Restrooms and the Rocket spoke to each other for the first time. It did not end well. Rocket, you know Mens Restrooms doesn't speak Spanish!
2004: A short year moved backwards in time. Revisited.
2005: The denied Rocket, hurt by Mens Restrooms not speaking Spanish, sought comfort in the other Two Hands.
2006: The Two Hands had mentioned the partnership with Radio Active Material in '05, so the Rocket considered joining too, then x'd that idea, then pictured just himself and the Radio Active Material, then spoke this union out loud and liked it. Yes!
2007: The Two Hands, who had originally joined with Radio Active Material, were left alone (and exposed).
2008: Mens Restooms, in a fit of jealous rage, confronted the Rocket and Radio Active Material. Someone got denied.
2009: Yep. It was the Radio Active Material. Mens Restrooms and Rocket stand again!