Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Websurdity Wednesday: Zombie Scabs

Taking cue from Jesse Davis' alliterative themes + days of the week (see Theo Thursdays), I am trying out a new absurdity - Websurdity Wednesdays - to be filled with general ridiculousness. Are you asking yourself, "Self, what does that even mean?!" then you have successfully entered Websurdity Wednesday. Cheers!

Austin Powers takes over title edits.

Celebrity Death Match: Communism v. Twitter (same idea, wired differently.)

Stress makes zombies. It's science. Be prepared or send a card.

Um, yeah, Wall Street, so do you need a bandaid or something? (Or will there be milkshake?)

Paint? Who needs paint when you can dribble blood on a canvas and smear it around with a stick?

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