Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy...and Mindful

Many of us take happiness for granted - either it's just not our lot in life or we provide illusions of happiness (placating through materialism, smiling at work, etc.). So, what does it mean to be happy, how can we achieve it, and what affect does happiness have on society's general well-being? Arthur Brooks argues, "the key to happiness, and the difference between happy and unhappy Americans, is a life that reflects values and practices like faith, hard work, marriage, charity, and freedom."

Also, many argue that mindfulness plays a significant role in happiness. In our digital world of ever-rushing multi-tasking, have we become mindless zombies (see post 1)? After taking this quiz, I might have have to agree. Hopefully, Ben Franklin won't zombify to the tune of thriller...that would be terrifying and go against Arthur Brook's theory that our founders believed in happiness as an inalienable right...wait a tick! InALIENable right?! It all makes sense now. Happiness is an alien.


JT said...

As a practicing Buddhist, I have many articles and books on mindfulness, simplicity, and fulfillment that I would be happy to share with you if you are ever interested. We'll have to discuss this topic in detail sometime, as it's one of my favorite philosophical topics to discuss.

Diana Davis said...

Definitely! Happiness is such a basic need in life, however, as a society we are so confused on a)what makes us happy and b)it's importance/affect on health (mental and physical). Arthur Brooks is actually coming to Baylor in April to speak, if you're interested!

Roody said...

Diana <3's Arthur Brooks. Shh! Don't tell Jesse!