Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Knutty Newt

In 2007, Newt Gingrich coauthored A Contract With The Earth - a probusiness approach to proenvironment initiatives. While I have not read the book, I applaud the Former Speaker's efforts to promote Green Conservatism - a passion that both Jesse and I share. Conservation, new green technologies, and recycling go hand in hand with the conservative movement - by saving resources we save money, a green revolution can be launched through the innovations of industry.

Here is a rhetorical video on Green Conservatism - heavy on the marketing, heavy on the awesome.

Chuckle worthy afterthought: "Newt has liked animals and zoos since he was a little boy." Because nothing says conservation like animals in concrete cages.

1 comment:

Jesse Davis said...

Yeah, the liberal approach to conservation has DEFINITELY worked out so far. "Oh my god, the sky is falling!! Quick, blame someone successful!" At the other end of the spectrum...Endangered Species Act: Richard Nixon; Environmental Protection Agency: Nixon; National Parks: Teddy Roosevelt. World's Largest Marine Preserve: George W. Bush. Clean Air Act: George H.W. Bush.