Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Appalachia, cough, Argentina

Oh how the mighty Marky Marks of Republicans have fallen...but did you have to be so stupid about it? Really? The Appalachian Trail? Your staff couldn't have said out of the country? On vacation at an undisclosed location? Who thought saying Appalachian Trail was a good cover? Seriously. Also, what up with your press conference? Way to set a sinking ship on fire.

Randomness this madness brought to mind:

Also, on the National Parks website for the Appalachian Trail, they describe it as:

The People's Path and America's First National Scenic Trail

"The body of the Trail is provided by the lands it traverses, and its soul is in the living stewardship of the volunteers and workers of the Appalachian Trail community."

-from the Appalachian Trail Management Principles and the A.T. Comprehensive Plan

Do wha? Inappropriate NPS!

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