With Jesse gone this Summer and with my Summer work schedule, the dogs are starting to get a little needy. Honestly, it's more like Fatal Attraction at the Davis house lately. It started with me turning around and one or both of the dogs laying down staring at me...creepily. Then the messages at work started...
Hmm. Odd. And then they started staying out at night...in my room. Yes, this is when things get weird. No, but seriously, the dogs have always been crated during the day...they were pound puppies and always wanted to go in their crates...kind of like a "safety zone" (if you want to use fancy dancy technical terms), not unlike the Danger Zone but very unlike the Safety Dance. It's like the Godfather always said, "Leave the hats, take the airplanes." Yeah, he never said that.
Anyways, so Sandy the Dog hates the crate now. It is the saddest, most pathetic scene in the morning...and it doesn't help that she is such a submissive dog already. It started a couple of weeks ago, with her slowly, her head hanging, getting in the crate and not eating the biscuit. Like, maybe if I don't eat the biscuit, they won't make me stay in here. Then last week she started just not going in immediately. Standing in the kitchen, like "I didn't hear you, haha." Then it became laying in the kitchen, rolling over begging. Then the latter plus dead dog/limp body not moving and me having to lift her up and put her in the crate. Now it has escalated to the latter, but she goes and lays on her soft pillow bed and gives me the Bolt begging look:
Then she won't move. Not for anything. Food? No. Baby talk? No. Force? Definitely no. So, again, as I am running late for work, I have to pick her up and put her in the crate. I have had to change my phone number and the locks on the doors from all this dog stalkery. Sandy has also been jumping up on the kitchen counter...I'm pretty sure she's scouting out the knives. Yikesers.
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